✨Spring Style Trends✨

Is anyone else ready for SPRING? I certainly AM! Gimme all the vitamin D, sun on my face, flowers blooming, light sweater weather! I’ll even take the mud that goes with it!! With the promise of early Spring in the air, let’s talk Spring Style Trends! So many fun things to incorporate into our wardrobe - some of which you probably already have!! Oh hey - and if you aren’t already subscribed the Spring Closet Outfit Planner, it’s not too late! MANY of these new Spring trends are incorporated and the colors are CRAZY GOOD. I got a sneak peak this past week and with the BODX system incorporated, the value is off the charts! Literally like having your own style coach with you inside your closet every day! It will be launched to the public at the end of this week so stay tuned!!

In the meantime, I wanted to share some FUN trends that you likely are already starting to see in the stores!

Spring Patterns - Gingham, Polka Dots, Bold Stripes - OH MY! If you are a Classic Modern style personality, then you will LOVE these pattern trends for Spring. But for our Fashionista’s and Creative Originals - not to fret - there are some other fun patterns for you such as our beloved animal print, tie dye, water colors, abstract prints and even some kitchy 80’s floral (think grandma’s old curtains!). There is something for everyone! You will see these fun patterns not only in tops, but also pants, blazers, and dresses too!

Spring Colors - Ohh the colors of Spring are SO pretty. Soft yet bold. Demure yet FUN. I love them all! THE color of the season is Very Peri - the perfect periwinkle purple that is fabulous for ANY color code. Navy is the neutral of the season! Other colors such as Glacier Lake is FAB for our Soft, Cool, and Light color codes. Innuendo is perfect for the Clear and Cool. Look at that Gossamer Pink for our Cool, Light and Softs while Sky Diver is absolutely gorgeous for our Cool, Clear, Deep and Lights! And let’s not forget the Daffodil and Coca Mocha for our Warms. SO many fun colors and I love how we can mix and match. You will see these colors coming to LIFE in the Spring Closet Outfit Planners!

Spring Trends - Speaking of FUN, the trends of Spring are the cutest! Maxi dresses, crafty denim, nostalgic pieces from the 80s and 90s, along with denim skirts (super excited about this one!) and distressed hemlines. All the fun details. Maxi pleated skirts remain in style this season, along with statement suits (think bold pant suits) and jumpsuits too. Oooooh and smart shorts (longer/knee length) are in too along with dark wash denim which both are PERFECT for us over 40 gals! Such fun, cozy, bold yet classic trends - there is something for everyone this season!

Spring Accessories - And my FAVORITE category….accessories! I feel like accessories are their own major food group. A foundational pieces to any wardrobe that will really stretch your wardrobe and create different looks! This Spring we have some of our favorite classics such as pearls, chandelier earrings and chain link EVERYTHING (necklaces, belts, bracelets). Thank goodness we have those staple pieces already. Some additional FUN trendy items to add would include chunky chokers, candy colored bauble necklaces, bicep bracelets (I know!!) - basically Go BIG or GO Home is the theme of this season’s accessories! Same for bags - the bucket bag remains the key trend or as I like to call them ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ bags!

SO many fun things, am I right?! These trends make me even MORE excited for spring and to shine BRIGHT!!! I hope they are helpful to you too and may you find that you have many of these trends already in your closet! Be sure to be on the look out for the launch of the Spring Outfit Planner coming this week! Until then friends - be blessed!!


You Are Called to Be LIGHT!

Can I just be honest? As christian women, it is HARD to stay focused on the narrow path - where God has us and where He’s calling us. It’s SO easy to get distracted by the world and all that surrounds it. Just this morning I cried out to God, ‘Show me how to focus on YOU and only YOU Lord’ and he reminded me of of my life scripture and my purpose.

‘You are called to be LIGHT - bringing out the God colors of this world.’ (Matthew 5:14 MSG)

Y’all - I KNOW this. I TEACH this. And yet I forget this and need to be reminded. Constantly. I often feel underqualified in my calling because I too struggle to remember His purpose for me but then He reminds me that ‘His power is made perfect in my WEAKNESS’ (2 Corinthians 12:9). And friend - my weak spots are MANY. I’m not a beauty expert. I struggle to put on eye shadow the right way. I am not always up on the latest style trends. I don’t always wear real pants. OK - I RARELY wear real pants. I don’t care about labels or brands. I shop at Target, Walmart, Thrift Stores & Marshalls/TJ Maxx mainly. I am so NOT boujee NOR would I consider myself a style influencer but what I AM super passionate about is helping women to identify WHO they are in Christ and building a STYLE that brings that to LIFE! Because here is what I believe:

  1. YOU were created ON purpose and FOR a purpose. A purpose that is specifically designed for YOU. When you have a REVELATION for who you are in Christ, you connect with your purpose at the SOUL level and THAT is WAY more important to me than the brand of your jeans or whether or not you should wear silver or gold accessories.

  2. When you have revelation for who you are in Christ and connect with purpose on a SOULFUL level, you will step out more BOLDLY into that purpose. You will seek opportunities to SHARE your message and SERVE others in a big way.

  3. When you KNOW your purpose and SERVE others in a big way, you walk in CONFIDENCE fulfilling your CALLING.

  4. When you walk in CONFIDENCE in your CALLING, you fully operate in your GIFTING and receive the full blessings intended just for YOU.

You see - I believe now is the time for us women to RISE UP fully in our calling. To step boldly into who God created us to be and SHARE that with others. THAT is what ‘Shine Your Light’ is all about and the services/products that I offer. My main mission behind what I do is to help you step into your SHINE - in the way God designed YOU. Now, there is a specific way we do that and style is definitely a part of that. Because when we look good, we FEEL good and will confidently GO and make disciples which is what we are all called to do!!!

So HOW does that happen, you ask? Here is a quick run down of the BE the Light program:

  1. First we set Jesus as the foundation. We talk through your purpose, your mission, your life scripture and we create/confirm HIS vision for your ministry

  2. From that vision, we create your Style Mission Statement that becomes your BRAND - the lens from which you and your ministry will operate from.

  3. Then we go through the mechanics of how to create a STYLE that reflects that Mission Statement including:

    • Your COLOR Code and what colors best represent your style, brand, and highlight your natural features BEST

    • How to dress for your BODY TYPE; How to highlight your best features and feel confident in the Body God gave you

    • Your Style Personality and how best to find pieces that make you feel like YOU

    • How to accessorize best for YOU, make-up recommendations, hair, glasses and MORE

  4. The we put it all together! We create a Style Plan that emulates best how God designed YOU and now you are ready to RUN on Mission!

In the upcoming weeks I will be unpacking each of these a bit more and would love to share more of my heart behind this work. Here me in THIS: If you are looking for a Fashion Influencer that is all about the latest style trends, is a brand influencer and will give you all the DOs and DON’ts of the fashion world - then I’m NOT your girl. BUT if you are looking for a Christian Style Coach that will walk alongside you in discovering God’s CALL on your life and how to create a STYLE or Persona that is in alignment with that call - then let’s chat because that is my sweet spot and what I’m all about!! I can’t wait to share more with you here!



WHY Color Matters!

At the risk of appearing to be a rebel here, in addition to struggling with a capsule wardrobe concept (see MORE on how and why I converted my thinking on this HERE), I also struggled to narrow my focus on COLOR. While YES I can be a bit of a rule breaker (I don’t like to be confined in my options!!) I came around on this topic of color and here’s why — bottom line is SIMPLICITY.

While I don’t always like rules or to be told I can’t do something what I’ve learned is that some rules or guidelines are there to HELP me and keep me on track and that is what I’ve discovered is truly the secret of the knowing and creating a wardrobe that is aligned with your COLOR CODE.

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained this way. (Hebrews 12:11)

So as we first seek to understand what the Color Code System is, it’s important to know that it’s based on the fact that God created us all unique! Each one of us as women was created with unique characteristics that make us who we are and that includes the color of our hair, our eyes, skin tone, facial features, our gifts & experiences - all of it!! SO of course how color applies to each of us and what brings out our natural features best is going to differ because of that uniqueness!! For some - yellow is a beautiful color! It compliments their skin tone and features like a ray of sunshine! For others - yellow washes them out and makes them look pale and pastey! This difference is based on each of our dominant color characteristics.

Back in 2007, Shari Braendel created the Color Code System to help women find the BEST colors that compliment their natural features. Through this system, there are SIX Color Code collections that highlight what colors work best for YOU, based on hair color, eye color and skin tone. Using this system enables women to identify what colors can best camouflage imperfections while bringing out their best features. Color has the ability to transform the way you see yourself and how others see you as well. It can make your skin look fresher and younger, your teeth look whiter, and your eyes look brighter. When you are wearing the colors that are best for YOU, you will naturally stand out and SHINE. Others will notice and you’ll receive compliments such as, ‘Wow - you look fabulous! Are you doing something different?’ or ‘You just shine today!’. The right colors will make you stand OUT.

You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors of this world. (Matthew 5-14)

Another key benefit that I’ve grown to LOVE about the Color Code System is it’s convenience and efficiency. As I have learned what colors work BEST for me, I have built my capsule wardrobe around those colors that have enabled me to literally mix and match everything that I own. I use a few key neutral colors for essential key pieces (e.g. trousers, blazers) and then add a POP of color for tops and accessories here and there to mix things up. When I maintain a color theme for the season, I can basically grab any piece from my closet and it will go together. Basically my closet is full of mix and match items (think Granimals for adults!!) that not only are colors made for ME, but also make getting dressed easy and simple! I don’t know about you but I could use a few LESS decisions to make during the day, amiright?! It makes getting ready in the morning so much less stressful!!

SO - this rebel has officially been CONVERTED! Now that doesn’t mean that I always follow the rules (let’s be REAL ;-)) BUT it does make my life SO much easier and can do the same for you!!! Ooooh and PS - if you aren’t sure of your Color Code, there are a couple of options available to you:

  1. You can take the online Color Code assessment for FREE by clicking this link HERE or

  2. If you want more of a hands on approach, I offer 25 minute Color Code consults for $35 and will walk through it with you! To set up a consult, reach out to me HERE and we can set up a time!

Now go and shine BRIGHT my friend!

27 Hangers - The Capsule Wardrobe

I’m going to start with a CONFESSION. The concept of a capsule wardrobe has been a TOUGH one for me to get on board with. As a ‘creative original’ style type, I like OPTIONS. I like creativity. Putting outfits together is my JAM and so scaling ‘back’ on my options goes against every fiber of my being. THERE. I said it. Now with that off my chest, let me tell you all the reasons why a capsule wardrobe is SUCH a good idea!!!

First, let’s talk about what a capsule wardrobe is all about. Essentially, think of a capsule wardrobe as 27 hangers that all work together to maximize your LOOK. These 27 hangers include 7 bottoms, 14 tops, 3 layering pieces and 3 dresses; each playing a unique yet cohesive part in creating a LOOK that is yours. Before you can select or identify your 27 hangers though, it’s important to have a few foundational items known to build from.

1) Know Your COLOR Code - your Color Code is a color palette that reflects the BEST colors for you given your hair color, skin tone, and eye color. Your Color Code takes into account those colors and patterns that highlight your natural beauty BEST. Again, truth be told, because I’m a rebel at heart, I don’t like to be told I can’t wear a particular set of colors. I like what I like. BUT I have found it SUPER helpful to know what colors and shades BEST suit me, my coloring, and best compliment my natural features. When we know better, we choose better, am I right?! That said - lets be clear - even though black is not the best color for this SOFT color type, I like myself a good edgy black outfit that I will continue to ROCK from time to time. Anyway - I digress….. back to why Color Code is essential to a capsule wardrobe concept. Once you know your best colors, you then choose to build a wardrobe around a few select colors in your CODE and can maximize their wearing power through mixing & matching. By choosing a few neutrals and one or two POP colors in your Color Code, you can create a TON of outfits from just a few essential pieces. Not sure of your Color Code? Complete your FREE Color Code Analysis HERE.

2) Know Your Style Personality - your Style Personality is what enables you to truly SHINE in your own unique way. It what makes you, YOU. Each of us is a unique child of God, with our own ways of doing things, and that includes how we DRESS. Some of us like classic pieces and looks. Clean lines and finished looks. Others like to follow the trends. We like what is HOT and love to set the trends. Others are more artistic - with a creative FLAIR. We don’t care what the trends are ‘cuz we set our own. Others of us are more minimalistic. We like to be comfortable. We don’t like to stand out too much. Yet we still like to be cute! None of these are the ‘right’ way to style or dress. There is no right way! There is only YOUR way and it’s important to know your style personality so that you can build your wardrobe AROUND it - including the 27 hangers! It simplifies the shopping and selection process so that you know what to look for and can also mix and match accordingly! Not sure what your Style Personality is? Take your FREE Quiz HERE.

3) Know Your Style Statement - this final piece, to me, is the most important. Your Style Statement is your ‘vision’ or message from God on who you are, what He designed you for, and what you bring to the world. It’s a statement that gives LIFE. It sounds a bit dramatic and maybe even a little too good to be true but I promise you — your Style Statement will change how you see yourself and how you show up in the world. It’s your signature BRAND of sorts. The actual statement itself is a bit basic and includes two adjectives and one action verb yet the process to come up with it is a powerful one. I wrote a whole blog on the process that guides you through. You can find that HERE.

Okay - now that you have your foundation SET, it’s time to build out your capsule wardrobe using the 27 hanger concept: 7 bottoms, 14 tops, 3 layering pieces and 3 dresses - all aligned with your color code, style personality, that bring your style statement to LIFE! Building your 27 hangers is really a process of elimination:

  1. Go through your closet and first clean out any item that either doesn’t align with your color code or style personality. Remove anything that is worn, out of style, or doesn’t reflect your style statement or make you happy!

  2. Once you have really purged your closet, then take an inventory of what you have for pieces. Assess what you have and what you NEED. For example, you may have 7 bottoms yet are they all the same style or color? For your tops, do you have some variation in sleeve, cut, style, neckline, etc. While you want some synergies, you also want to ensure the pieces you decide to keep are able to help you stretch and maximize the number of looks and outfits.

  3. Identify where you have GAPS. For example - do you need a navy pair of joggers? or a white ruffle blouse? And then be strategic with your purchases. Go into your favorite stores with a purpose! Invest your dollars wisely. Again - think about items that will help you to STRETCH your looks.

One of the BEST tools I know to help you to build your 27 hangers is the Closet Outfit Planner by Style by Color. For a small investment each season, the Closet Outfit Planner will outline specific pieces to target based on style trends and YOUR color code and will show you how to put different pieces together to create MANY different outfits! For more information on the COP, click HERE.

Happy closet curating!!!!! xoxo

Creating Your Signature Style

When you hear the words ‘Signature Style’ what do you think of? Or better yet WHO do you think of? Who comes to mind that has their own signature style?


When I think of a signature style, I think of a unique look that is specific to an individual. It’s not about trends or what is in ‘style’ but better yet, a look or VIBE that is specific to A particular person. Audrey Hepburn. Gwen Stefani. Lady Gaga. Jennifer Aniston. Each of these women have an individualized look all of their own.

The same goes for you.

YES - you!

You too have a signature style. One that is unique to YOU. God created us ALL in a unique and original way. With features, characteristics, like and dislikes, gifts and passions that are unique to only YOU and that includes a signature style too. A look or vibe that is unique to you.

Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. (Matthew 5:14 MSG)

Sister - YOU are a beautiful, unique light - created by God - in a color or shade that is unique to YOU. A beautiful shade of blue, pink, yellow or whatever color emulates YOUR specific light. He has called you to shine your light bright in this world and identifying, creating and OWNING your signature style is a way you can shine that light bright.

In today’s blog, we are going to focus on 3 key components to creating your signature style: (1) Creating your Style Mission Statement; (2) How to ‘Put On’ your Style Mission Statement; (3) How to LIVE OUT your Style Mission Statement. These three components will help you to create your own Signature Style. Are you ready? Let’s do it!

1) Creating your Style Mission Statement - this is my absolutely FAVORITE part of the ‘Be the Light’ Style Framework because it really sets the foundation for not only your style, but most importantly - who God created you to be. I will summarize this step, yet I wrote an entire blog on this one concept which you can find HERE. Essentially, the Style Mission Statement is a call out of what makes you special. It summarizes who God called you to be. It highlights and calls to life the special gift you are to the world and the way in which you put your calling into practice. I utilize a process with my clients where I have them think about the adjectives that best describe their personality. Because we are multi-dimensional, they select two adjectives that best calls out their gifting, yet not more than that because we want to remain focused and keep it simple. Once we have our two adjectives, we then select a VERB because God does not call us to just BE. He calls us to ACT. He calls us to SERVE. He calls us to LOVE. He calls us to go DISCIPLE. Yet the way in which each of us does that is unique and special. It is specific to US. This verb helps to identify our calling. The purpose we each bring to the world.

I am a (Adjective) + (Adjective) + (Verb) = Your Style Mission Statement


2) Putting ON Your Style Mission Statement - now, once you have your Style Mission Statement created, it then becomes something that you need to PUT ON every day. This applies to how we dress, yet it also applies to how we behave, how we show up, how we communicate with others. It serves as a reminder for who God calls us to be and is a choice we need to make everyday to PUT ON. Let me give you an example. I was getting ready for a call with a client recently, and up until that point, it was a busy hectic workday. I had been switching gears all day from this meeting to that, and just prior to our appointment, I had to run out to an appointment. I returned home 15 minutes before our call, feeling unorganized, rushed, and a bit stressed. I took a few minutes to reposition my spirit and prayed. God lovingly reminded me of my Style Mission Statement ‘I am a vibrant, gracious, ignitor of light!’ and it helped me to put on that calling. I quickly changed my top, put on a bold and fun necklace, and stepped into a different disposition which helped to shift my focus OFF of me, and onto her, with the goal of helping her to see HER light!

Now, when I step into my closet and choose what to wear or when I go out to shop, I think about and choose pieces that enable me to put on my style statement. I choose items that bring that style statement to LIFE. I chose fun, creative and bold pieces to reflect being vibrant, but I also want to appear approachable and inviting to others so make sure that my style has ‘balance’ - because I am BOTH of those things!

3) LIVING OUT your Style Mission Statement - This is really where a Style Mission Statement becomes powerful. This is where God has called us to live out our true identity in Him. So we have our Style Mission Statement in hand. We identify who we are in Christ. We select style pieces that communicate that message to others and reflect our gifting. And now, this final piece enables us to ACT and LIVE in such a way that highlights and brings our purpose to life. THIS is truly what it’s all about friends. Using style as tool is powerful, yet LIVING OUT who God created us to be is truly where it’s at. We are more than our outfit. Our purpose is so much more deep than dressing on brand. This last piece is about behaving, taking action, making choices and living out our life in such a way that is in alignment with who God created us to be.

Live your life worthy of the calling you have received. (Ephesians 4:1)

Friend - Now, hear me in this! Don’t see or interpret this as pressure to be worthy. You are ALREADY worthy. This is not about having to earn our place in Christ. That is already done. There is absolutely nothing you have to do, or can do to earn God’s love. He loves you exactly as you are. Yet, it is from this place of receiving His love that we then are called to share our ‘excess’ with others. THIS is the place in which we need to operate and live out our calling from. Not as a have to but as a WANT TO.

It is my hope and prayer that you see your identity in Christ, RECEIVE it, and from the place of feeling His love, you then step fully into the calling He has for you. Friend - I am here cheering you on! I would love nothing more then to see you get clarity on your identity and calling, embrace that, and live it out boldly!

I will be hosting a 3 day challenge entitled, ‘Finding Your Signature Style’ in late September where we will be walking through these three steps together. It would be an honor to have you join us! You can sign up HERE!

In the meantime, be blessed my friend!

In style & grace,


Transition Your Summer Look to Fall

Can you believe it’s ALREADY Labor Day Weekend? Holy Moly! Summer always goes by fast, yet why does it seems like every year that goes by, summer gets a little shorter. I never even made it to the beach, outside of one morning walk with a friend! So, I don’t know about you but as much as I love fall (my absolutely favorite time of year - give me all things PUMPKIN) I just don’t want summer to end!

With that in mind, this week I’m sharing some strategies for how we can stretch our summer wardrobe into fall by using just a few different fun strategies. Be sure to incorporate some of the fun fall trends I shared a couple of weeks ago here on the blog. You can find that HERE if you didn’t catch it. Okay - here we go:


1) Use Layering - this may seem like a no brainer, but let’s just start with the basic and most obvious - LAYERS! Especially for going from day to night where fall afternoon’s can get really warm, yet once that suns goes down, BURRRRRRRR - be sure to grab that jacket, cardigan, or kimono to keep yourself warm and cozy. For example - say you are out to late lunchdate with your hubby and it’s a sunny September day - still opt for that cute summer dress or romper, yet grab that jean or moto jacket to throw on your shoulders as the sun starts to disappear behind the clouds! Or check out this cute and light kimono with a tank, comfy light jeans and some sandels!

2) Introduce Fall Colors - another strategy is to start introducing fall colors into your outfits, such as this mustard tank here. In early fall, start small with just a pop of it here and there and then gradually build as the weather continues to get colder. Some great fall color trends include military green, burgandy, navy, and slate gray.

3) This and That - this is a fun strategy where you integrate fall items with summer items. For example - wear the summer dress, but instead of the strappy wedges, opt for the booties with a bare leg. OR wearing the cute paper bag shorts with a light cropped sweater. Where one item is a little bit fall and the other is a little bit summer! One my absolute favorites is a pair of shorts with a sweatshirt to walk on the beach on a September day!

4) Add the Leggings - this one is a favorite too and a great way to extend the wear of your summer dresses by adding the leggings! This adds a little bit of coverage and warmth to your legs but also keeps the fresh light look by opting for the open toed wedges or strappy sandels to keep the airy and light look of summer.

5) Add in the Fall Accessories - last week I shared some strategies on how to up play a basic tee and jeans outfit by adding accessories. (You can access it HERE) One additional transitional strategy is to add some fall accessories in with your summer wardrobe. For example, tie that flannel shirt around your waist with your jean cutoff shorts. Or grab the hat or scarf, along with your jean jacket to add to your jumpsuit for date night. On your fall accessories, start to incorporate some of the deeper fall colors such as burgundy, brown, rust, and military green.

I hope some of these are helpful as you start to gear up for the colder weather! Remember to always wear what makes you HAPPY and that is aligned with your style mission statement because the world needs YOUR light to shine, my friend!

In Style & Grace,


Styling with Accessories

This week I’m talking about my most FUN way to style and that is with accessories!!! I am generally a pretty simple girl at heart when it comes to styling - I don’t like to over complicate or make this difficult when it comes to looking my best. I want getting ready to be EASY and that is what I love about the power of accessories. You can take something as simple as a t-shirt and jeans and create a WHOLE new look using accessories. They are super fun and also such a cost-conscious way to really expand a wardrobe and today I’m going to show you HOW! Yay!


Today, we are going to take a simple t-shirt and jeans and we are going to show you HOW to create fun, different looks using accessories. Are you ready??

Okay - today’s basic foundation is a cute white tee, with a little lacy detail. I’ve had this for YEARS and love it as a bottom layer for so many things as we move into fall. I’ve paired with some basic distressed jeans here which remain in season this fall as well. I chose this as our foundation because I think every single woman out there can look into her closet and pull out the basic white tee and distressed jeans, am I right?! It’s a great foundational palette to start with and create from. I also love that you can create SO many different looks from these two pieces. There are SO many possibilities!

Okay - a few things about accessories. Just for the purpose of this exercise, I focus mainly on a necklace piece, jacket/outer layer (which I totally consider to be an accessory!) and a bag: mainly because I’m using a mannequin for this blog, yet when you add in earrings, bracelets, hair accessories, etc. - the possibilities for different looks you can create are ENDLESS! So while I don’t cover that today, keep that in mind as you build different looks. Also - there are some ‘STRATEGIES to keep in mind with accessories:

1) Think BALANCE - the key to accessorizing is that you don’t want to wear to ‘little’ accessories or they will get lost, and you also don’t want to wear ‘too many’ or they will overpower your outfit and look in general. Also - when you choose a bold necklace, go a little smaller on the earrings and vice versa. You want to choose one statement piece and choose other accessories that compliment that.

2) Use accessories to create FLOW - this is a fun one. Accessories can help to draw the eyes to where you want the focal point to be. For example, a chunky bold necklace at the neckline draws the eyes up. This is a great strategy for a ‘D’ body type that tends to carry a little extra thickness in the hips and can help to create balance. Whereas a longer necklace helps to draw the eyes downward, which is a great strategy for an ‘O’ or ‘B’ shape where there is a little extra weight in the bust or mid section, and can help to elongate the torso.

3) Use accessories as a TOOL to communicate your style - this is my absolute favorite. I LOVE choosing accessories that align with my Style Mission Statement. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, be sure to check out the blog I wrote on the Style Mission Statement HERE. Accessories can be used as a tool to help us show the world WHO we are and who God has called us to be. It’s a persona we step into and accessories can help us to create that look.

Okay, with keeping those strategies in mind, I’m super excited to share a few sample looks with you! I’d love for you to comment below which looks you like best!


Look #1 - The Vibrant Creative

For me, there is just something down to earth yet artsy about a jean jacket. It’s my absolutely favorite topper piece (I share more HERE on why I love this as a closet staple) and I especially LOVE this one from Lucky Brand because it’s got a great fit and a hint of stretch to it. AND when it’s paired with fun, vibrant colors such as this coral necklace called ‘Summer Chic’ from Premier Designs (and it’s on SALE right now!) and this cute mustard yellow sachel bag I snagged for $5 from Walmart at the beginning of the season, it makes it even better!

Additionally, I would pair the Gold ‘Social’ Hoops from Premier Designs along with the ‘Canal’ Bracelet (my absolute FAVORITE piece from Premier - also a very artsy, creative look) to finish off the perfect Vibrant Creative look here.


Look #2 - Edgy Chic

I love this look for SO many reasons! First and foremost, there is just something so fun about dressing with an edge and this leather bomber does just that. I makes me feel so powerful and badass! I don’t choose this look often, but when I do, it’s like I have a ZAP in my confidence level and who doesn’t love THAT?!!! This leather bomber is one I snagged from my local thrift shop (my secret style weapon is my local thrift shop!! I wrote about how to thrift shop like a boss on the blog, which you can find HERE) yet I’ve also linked to another very economical version from Shein HERE. I chose the ‘Red my Mind’ necklace from Premier Designs as my pair here to add a POP of color. If you wanted to stay with a more edgy piece, I would also recommend the ‘Olivia’ necklace which is badass with a hint of GLAM ;-)


look #3 - effortlessly classic

LOVE this typical every day look and it’s so PERFECT for the Effortlessly Classic style type. The combination of brown and turquoise is my absolute FAVORITE and works so well for the Warm Color Code type, yet is really versatile for the Light and Soft Color Codes as well. Unfortunately, this brown cardigan from INC is years old, but I linked to a more updated one HERE and this turquoise necklace from Premier Designs is also a discontinued piece yet this Dream Team necklace is from the new fall line (I can’t wait to get this one myself!!) and will work really really well also! I chose this snakeskin camel brown bag to finish off this classic look and love the wooden handle detail too!

BONUS TIP - when you match your bag (and shoes) to your hair, you create a ‘head to toe’ polished look! This bag would be perfect for an auburn or redhead!


look #4 - sporty chic

This FUN sporty chic look is the cutest! I adore the details here and how they all come together in this stylish ensemble! This mustard cargo vest was one of the cute fall styles from Tallie Row - the boutique I owned with my daughter for the past few years. We were both sad when we gave it up in January of this year (it was so fun to do it together and we absolutely LOVED our small but mightly VIP client base) but it was time for both of us to move on to focus on other things. I paired the vest with the cutest, most versatle necklace from Premier Designs, called the ‘Meg’ necklace. Meg is like your most beloved BFF, who is always there in a pinch, when you need her. This necklace includes 3 separate necklaces of different lengths that can be word in so many different ways, mixing and matching the lengths to create so many different looks! It’s the piece from my collection that I wear the most! Here I paired the cafe mocha bag from Timberland that my bestie gave me (her hubs worked there for many years) that they no longer carry, but I linked to something similar HERE. Timberland is super HIGH quality and their style is perfect for the sporty chic!


look #5 - Grunge Chic

I’m not sure ‘Grunge Chic’ is an actual thing but I love the essence of that combination! I’m a little bit ‘grunge’ (I love me some Nirvana) and a little bit ‘cutesy chic’ (and I love the Jonas Brothers too!). Can’t you picture it? ;-) We are ALL multi-dimensional and I love that about fashion and style too! We don’t just have a style that is one way! I’m a big fan of flannel and love Old Navy for their flannel pieces. They wash and wear really well! This mustard one is from a year or two ago, but I’ve linked to their most recent fall flannel HERE. I have paired the flannel with this BELIEVE necklace from The Giving Keys. I adore this company and the mission they serve. They employ homeless men and women in the Los Angeles greater area to make all of their jewelry. Every single piece helps to keep people off the streets of LA which I can totally get behind.

Friend - I hope you have found one of these looks that you can relate too and hopefully picked up a few tips on how to utilize accessories to bring clarity to your style and message, while also stretching your budget! I’d love to know which is your favorite!!

In Style & Grace,
