Creating Your Signature Style

When you hear the words ‘Signature Style’ what do you think of? Or better yet WHO do you think of? Who comes to mind that has their own signature style?


When I think of a signature style, I think of a unique look that is specific to an individual. It’s not about trends or what is in ‘style’ but better yet, a look or VIBE that is specific to A particular person. Audrey Hepburn. Gwen Stefani. Lady Gaga. Jennifer Aniston. Each of these women have an individualized look all of their own.

The same goes for you.

YES - you!

You too have a signature style. One that is unique to YOU. God created us ALL in a unique and original way. With features, characteristics, like and dislikes, gifts and passions that are unique to only YOU and that includes a signature style too. A look or vibe that is unique to you.

Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. (Matthew 5:14 MSG)

Sister - YOU are a beautiful, unique light - created by God - in a color or shade that is unique to YOU. A beautiful shade of blue, pink, yellow or whatever color emulates YOUR specific light. He has called you to shine your light bright in this world and identifying, creating and OWNING your signature style is a way you can shine that light bright.

In today’s blog, we are going to focus on 3 key components to creating your signature style: (1) Creating your Style Mission Statement; (2) How to ‘Put On’ your Style Mission Statement; (3) How to LIVE OUT your Style Mission Statement. These three components will help you to create your own Signature Style. Are you ready? Let’s do it!

1) Creating your Style Mission Statement - this is my absolutely FAVORITE part of the ‘Be the Light’ Style Framework because it really sets the foundation for not only your style, but most importantly - who God created you to be. I will summarize this step, yet I wrote an entire blog on this one concept which you can find HERE. Essentially, the Style Mission Statement is a call out of what makes you special. It summarizes who God called you to be. It highlights and calls to life the special gift you are to the world and the way in which you put your calling into practice. I utilize a process with my clients where I have them think about the adjectives that best describe their personality. Because we are multi-dimensional, they select two adjectives that best calls out their gifting, yet not more than that because we want to remain focused and keep it simple. Once we have our two adjectives, we then select a VERB because God does not call us to just BE. He calls us to ACT. He calls us to SERVE. He calls us to LOVE. He calls us to go DISCIPLE. Yet the way in which each of us does that is unique and special. It is specific to US. This verb helps to identify our calling. The purpose we each bring to the world.

I am a (Adjective) + (Adjective) + (Verb) = Your Style Mission Statement


2) Putting ON Your Style Mission Statement - now, once you have your Style Mission Statement created, it then becomes something that you need to PUT ON every day. This applies to how we dress, yet it also applies to how we behave, how we show up, how we communicate with others. It serves as a reminder for who God calls us to be and is a choice we need to make everyday to PUT ON. Let me give you an example. I was getting ready for a call with a client recently, and up until that point, it was a busy hectic workday. I had been switching gears all day from this meeting to that, and just prior to our appointment, I had to run out to an appointment. I returned home 15 minutes before our call, feeling unorganized, rushed, and a bit stressed. I took a few minutes to reposition my spirit and prayed. God lovingly reminded me of my Style Mission Statement ‘I am a vibrant, gracious, ignitor of light!’ and it helped me to put on that calling. I quickly changed my top, put on a bold and fun necklace, and stepped into a different disposition which helped to shift my focus OFF of me, and onto her, with the goal of helping her to see HER light!

Now, when I step into my closet and choose what to wear or when I go out to shop, I think about and choose pieces that enable me to put on my style statement. I choose items that bring that style statement to LIFE. I chose fun, creative and bold pieces to reflect being vibrant, but I also want to appear approachable and inviting to others so make sure that my style has ‘balance’ - because I am BOTH of those things!

3) LIVING OUT your Style Mission Statement - This is really where a Style Mission Statement becomes powerful. This is where God has called us to live out our true identity in Him. So we have our Style Mission Statement in hand. We identify who we are in Christ. We select style pieces that communicate that message to others and reflect our gifting. And now, this final piece enables us to ACT and LIVE in such a way that highlights and brings our purpose to life. THIS is truly what it’s all about friends. Using style as tool is powerful, yet LIVING OUT who God created us to be is truly where it’s at. We are more than our outfit. Our purpose is so much more deep than dressing on brand. This last piece is about behaving, taking action, making choices and living out our life in such a way that is in alignment with who God created us to be.

Live your life worthy of the calling you have received. (Ephesians 4:1)

Friend - Now, hear me in this! Don’t see or interpret this as pressure to be worthy. You are ALREADY worthy. This is not about having to earn our place in Christ. That is already done. There is absolutely nothing you have to do, or can do to earn God’s love. He loves you exactly as you are. Yet, it is from this place of receiving His love that we then are called to share our ‘excess’ with others. THIS is the place in which we need to operate and live out our calling from. Not as a have to but as a WANT TO.

It is my hope and prayer that you see your identity in Christ, RECEIVE it, and from the place of feeling His love, you then step fully into the calling He has for you. Friend - I am here cheering you on! I would love nothing more then to see you get clarity on your identity and calling, embrace that, and live it out boldly!

I will be hosting a 3 day challenge entitled, ‘Finding Your Signature Style’ in late September where we will be walking through these three steps together. It would be an honor to have you join us! You can sign up HERE!

In the meantime, be blessed my friend!

In style & grace,
