Style Rules and the Pharisees...
Do you remember flipping to the back end of Glamour magazine and checking out the Glamour Do’s and Don’ts of fashion? That used to be my very favorite section of the magazine to see what they were classifying as ‘Don’ts’ and hopefully there wasn’t anything listed there that I had done or tried! I’m not sure if that column still exists or even what the status of the magazine is these days yet I’m always so blown away at how critical these fashion guru’s can be. Or how about the People magazine ‘awards’ edition where they do a review of each of the celebs and the gowns worn on the red carpet. I always loved seeing the eclectic styles and particularly loved seeing celebrities stretch the bounds of fashion. I loved seeing their individual personalities displayed in such a daring way! The risky cuts, colors, hair styles. I love the courageousness of it all. Using fashion to self express and show the world who you are, regardless of what the critics say.
Growing up, I’ve gone through so many of my own phases of style and fashion. When I’m truly embracing who I am and stepping into that, I’ve been drawn to more bold selections. Sometimes they worked for me. Sometimes they didn’t. Yet - the result didn’t matter. What mattered was how I felt. How MY personality was able to shine through. How I was able to fully embrace my uniqueness and the woman God created me to be. Sometimes that means selecting the bowling shoes to go with a fun outfit. Sometimes it meant opting for the leopard print skirt at the work meeting. Sometimes it meant grabbing the leather jacket and concert tee at a church event. Sometimes I would get the look. You know the one….the eye glance up and then the eye glance down. Occasionally I would even the comment here and there. I won’t say that they never effected me. They did! Yet I tried to never lose sight of what was important to ME.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about style rules and critics who turn their nose up at selections that stretch the boundaries or don’t fit the fold. Back to the Glamour ‘Don’ts’ section where the faces were blurred out, yet the columnist would share all the reasons why their outfit selection was BAD. Why it didn’t work. It made me think about the Pharisees in the bible. How the Pharisees are a lot like the style and fashion critics. How they are looking for rules to follow and live by. How anything that falls outside of those rules are considered wrong and they aren’t afraid of vocalizing it. From a societal sense, the Pharisees carry a respected position. They contain the education, knowledge, and influence to hold a position of authority. And just like the style critic, anyone or anything that does not follow that same line of thinking or practice is something they ‘call out’, often times in ridicule. Thinking that their way was the ONLY way.
Yet, Jesus never allowed the Pharisees to influence His mission or ministry. I loved how He called them out and would point out why their way of thinking was so narrow and limited. Clearly missing the point. He wasn’t disrespectful; yet was clear. He didn’t give them any of His energy, nor did He allow it to distract Him. He pushed the boundaries on their way of thinking. He drew outside the lines. Jesus knew who He was, why He was there, and what purpose He served. No Pharisee was going to convince him differently. He was on mission and everything He did was in alignment with that.
Friend - God is calling you to do the same. He is calling you to be who He created you to be, unapologetically. He is calling you to DO the thing you were created to do. He is calling you to SERVE and LOVE in a way that only YOU can.
Wear the crazy outfit. Do the crazy thing. Love & serve in the crazy way. Don’t let the critics distract you. Don’t let anyone tell you what box you need to fit in. Don’t try to be like everyone else. YOU be YOU in every sense of the word.
No rules.
No critics.
No fashion Don’ts.
Just you walking in the way that Jesus is calling you. 100% all in.
It’s time.
I’m doing the same too. I’m walking right beside you. Drowning out the voices of the critics and keeping my eyes locked on Him.
In Style & Grace,