10 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin Naturally

Okay gals - admittedly, I struggle in this area of properly hydrating my skin yet they say the best way to learn something is to research and share it, right?! That is my theory anyway! Ha! So today I’m sharing some of the things I am learning about why properly hydrating our skin is ESSENTIAL to it’s health. So here goes:

10 Ways to Hydrate Your Skin Naturally.png

Our skin is the largest living breathing organ in your body so we must steward it well! It serves as a protector, an absorber, a extretor, secretor, regulator and sensor. When your skin is fully hydrated, it is able to function properly and fully fight against and flush out the toxins - keeping your skin and it’s function as pure as possible. Also - when skin is well hydrated, it is plump and resilient - helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles that can form as the skin ages (can I get an amen?!).

Today I’m sharing 10 ways you can help to hydrate your skin naturally from the inside out, while also using products to maximize your hydration efforts. Some of these are simple and basic, yet THIS GIRL needs to start with the basics.

1. Drink plenty of water - We said basic, right?! We know that drinking water is essential to our body function, yet we tend to forget the effect it can have on our skin and our skin’s appearance! This is the MOST important way you can hydrate your skin from the inside out. Other bevies such as coffee, tea, alcohol, soda, other caffeinated drinks are not your friend when it comes to hydration. All dehydrate and cause stress on the body Aim to consume 1/2 your body weight in water at a minimum to ensure your body gets the hydration it needs to operate optimally.

2 Eat your fruits & veggies - Again, basic and something we KNOW, yet often fail to do. Focusing specifically on water dense foods here such as cucumbers, berries, watermelon, plums, peaches, celery, bell peppers and lettuce will help a TON. Other foods packed with anti-oxidants, beta carotene and omega 3 fatty acids are great too such as walnuts, avocado, sweet potatoes and flaxseed.

3. Avoid soaps or skin care products with toxins, preservatives - I covered this in detail in my blog post ‘3 Toxins in Your Beauty Products that could be Making You Sick’ so you can check that out for additional details, yet essentially you want to avoid anything that will strip your skin from it's natural oils.

4. Turn down the temperature on your baths and showers - I know we all love a hot shower or bath on a cold day, yet hot water will also strip the oils from your skin. Hot water causes damage to the keratin cells that are in the outer layer of your skin - the epidermis - and can prevent cells from locking in moisture. (Healthline, March 2020). It can also worsen any skin conditions so it’s best to keep water warm to luke warm to protect your skin!

5. Use a humidifier - Putting a humidifier in your bedroom will also help to stop your skin from drying out. It will also help you sleep better and it’s good for your respiratory system too. Also, in addition to hot water, be sure not to put your home’s central heating or air conditioning on high. These two extremes can also dry out your skin.

6. Add oil to your moisturizer - You should be using a naturally based moisturizer already, YET by adding an essential oils based product to it, you are giving your skin an additional hydration boost. Basically, it’s like adding electrolytes to your water while running a marathon. You can’t survive on water alone. Your body needs replenishment and so does your skin! Using a naturally based oil such as Rejuveniqe by MONAT and adding it to your moisturizer (and a TON of other things such as your body lotion, mascara, foundation etc.) you are giving your face the EXTRA hydration kick it needs to replenish serious nutrients.

7. Add masks to your treatment routine on the reg - Similar to the one above, this is essential to your regular routine in order to replenish your skin. Masks can help to provide a deep clean by removing dead skin cells and opening up pores to pull out any impurities. A deep cleaning of the skin so to speak.

8. Increase your omega-3 fatty acids - We touch on this on remember to eat your fruits and veggies but it bears a call out all of it’s own. Omega-3 fatty acids provide the building blocks that your body uses to produce the oils on your skin. By adding more salmon and oily fish to your diet or by taking Omega-3 supplements, you are improving the hydration of your skin from the inside out!

9. Exfoliate frequently using AHAs and BHAs - Here are the deets on AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) - essentially they act together to both smooth the skin’s outer surface AND speed up cell turnover. Both serve a purpose: AHAs are water soluble so work on the skin’s surface, typically targeting normal to dry or sun damaged skin. BHAs work beneath the surface and deep inside the pore, targeting normal to oily skin. Either way - be sure your exfoliant has whatever your skin type needs.

10. Use a serum - Basically thing of a serum as a way to LOCK in moisture to the skin. Typically comprised of smaller molecules that can penetrate deeply into the skin, serums are a very effective tool for targeting skin care concerns that develop over time such as wrinkles AND be sure to put it on before your moisturizer to maximize it’s hydrating effects.

Friend - I hope you walk away from this blog with a few key things you will incorporate into your skin care routine! For me, having done a few of these for several months now (AHH - the joys of turning 50!) as my skin ages, I have seen a noticeable difference in the appears of fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes and mouth. I’d love to know which ones you have had great success with too!

Here’s to healthy, happy, and hydrated skin!

Toxins in Your Beauty Products that Could be Making You Sick

I am NO scientist or expert. I just want to put that on the table right now. In fact, my whole life I have NOT been one of those people who even looked at ingredients. Until I hit 40 and started to have digestive issues so started to be more conscious of food I was eating. Less processed and more whole foods. Still didn’t even think about other products I put ON my body. Enter cancer. Ugh - then I had to definitely start to pay attention to what I was putting on my body and what was in my surrounding environment. So at that point, I HAD to pay attention.

Toxins in Your Beauty Products

I’m learning a TON but it still does not come easy to me. My brain is not hard wired to absorb facts and figures. This girl thinks in concepts and pictures so please know that this information and advice comes from a place of CONCEPT with the goal of hopefully convincing you to do your own research to investigate this further.

Okay, are we cool? Can we move forward now? Okay - let’s do it!

I’m going to share with you three MAJOR toxins that you need to know as they are commonly in cosmetics, skin care and hair care products and they are NOT your friend, and I share with you why. There are a lot more toxins to be aware of and I would highlight recommend you do your own research, yet this is a good place to start. Here we go:

  1. Parabens - This is probably the most commonly used in most health & beauty products and potentially the most harmful. Essentially parabens help to preserve ingredients and expand shelf life. Think about that for a second. In order to preserve something natural, you have to disrupt the molecular structure of what is natural in order to make it last. When your fruits and veggies are sprayed with chemicals to make them LOOK ripe and appealing by the time they hit the grocery stores, they are covered in chemicals. You can wash them off (for the most part but that is a different process for a different day) and still reap the benefits but they do lose nutrients in the process.. The process of using synthetic parabens in beauty products is like that but worse.

    Synthetic parabens have a molecular structure that mimics your body's natural hormones and can trigger the development of too much estrogen. This overproduction of hormones is known to contribute to the growth of breast cancer tumors and can also disrupt the endrocrine system potentially leading to reproductive complications (2004, Dr. Philippa Darbre) yet it's effects are still being debated which is why their use is still approved through the FDA.

    You may notice that this is why you may see a more limited shelf life on naturally based products that do not use parabens as a preservative.

    You may see parabens listed as ingredients such as hydroxybenzoic acid, methylparaben (E218): ethylparaben (E214), propylparaben (E216), butylparaben and heptylparaben (E209). So be on the lookout for these.

  2. Sulfates - Another common chemical used in beauty products are sulfates. Their purpose in shampoo, soap and toothpaste is to create foam and lather. This creates the illusion that as long as your product is 'foaming and lathering' it must be working. We think that we are getting our hair, face and skin squeaky clean. Yet the danger in sulfates (otherwise known as SLS) is that they can strip away natural oils and leave your hair feeling dry & parched, and skin feeling dry and potentially red and itchy. This is because these sulfates are stripping the GOOD oils from your hair, skin and scalp and causing bigger problems with time such as dry scalp, dry damaged ends, breakage, and irritated dry red skin.

    More naturally based products tend to not create the same foaming effect. This does not mean its not working. On the contrary, it likely is doing its job by removing buildup and cleansing without stripping away your natural oils essential to overall scalp and skin health!

  3. Silicones - Silicones are also commonly used in hair and skin conditioners/moisturizers since they help to emulsify and combine other active ingredients to distribute evenly. The problem is they can tend to 'coat the hair/skin and cause buildup without allowing the benefits of the product to penetrate the scalp/skin to properly condition. It creates a cover layer (think plastic wrap) making it 'appear' as though it's working, when really it's really just putting a ‘coating’ over your skin so that nothing else can penetrate. Think of a time when you bit into a cake that looked so beautiful with an elegant frosting, only to find out the cake tasted dry and gross and was likely the worst cake you have ever eaten. Can you relate? This is exactly what silicones do to your hair and skin. They are the pretty wrapper that just is a mask over otherwise unhealthy hair and skin. It’s an illusion and you don’t want to fall for that! You want happy, healthy, nourished hair!

    In cosmetics, silicone can show up on an ingredient list as: dimenthicone, cyclomethicone, cyclohexasiloxane, ceteryl methicone and cyclopentasiloxane. Note that because silicones do not allow the scalp and skin to breathe (like that plastic wrap) they are considered toxic in Europe and banned from all beauty products. (www.healthline.com). US - perfectly legal ;-) Remember though - just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s good for you!

The health of your skin, hair, scalp are not to be taken lightly and are NOT about quick fix. They are living, breathing organs and need nourishment from the inside out first. From there, products that work WITH your body and not against it, is critical. A couple of additional things to keep in mind as you are sorting through this information. Since organic and ‘all natural’ are all the rage right now, large brand names are using creative marketing strategies to lead us to believe that something is good for us when in fact, it may not be. So here are a few things to look for:

  • Certified Organic” - In order for a product to earn the official USDA seal, it has to have 95% or greater organic ingredients. And the remaining 5% has to include ingredients that aren’t banned from the National Organic Program. But a good thing to know: “certified organic” and “organic” are not the same thing. A label touting that it’s “made of organic ingredients” only has to hit 70% of its contents as organic, though it is still part of the National Organic Program.

  • “All Natural Beauty” - The term “natural” in beauty means the complete formula is 100% synthetic free. But unfortunately, there isn’t a regulating body for all “natural” products. Be sure to see if your product in question passes the standards by Ecocert, an organization that works to specifically certify ingredients as natural.

  • Other key sites/apps to check your ingredients are Think Dirty & EWG Healthy Living

Okay friends - that is a LOT of information in this little blog post and like I said, this does NOT do this topic justice. I’m just skimming the surface here because I want you to start paying attention to what you are putting ON your body, in addition to IN it. I would HIGHLY encourage you to do your own research and be sure to look for credible sources such as a few I listed above.

It’s important to start with a few key items to start your transition to a naturally based regimen. Next week I will highlight items you should start with and some things to watch out for as you make that switch. Keep in mind that your body is used to the toxins you are using and so it’s important to know and expect that there will be a bit of ‘detox’ that will happen as you make that switch. I walk you through - step by step!

As always, I hope this was helpful! It’s my commitment to you to always be REAL and relevant, coming from a place and heart of service! I appreciate you!



My 5 FAV Beauty Products of 2019

Top 5 FAV Beauty Products of 2019

Top 5 FAV Beauty Products of 2019

My absolutely favorite thing about the anticipated New Year is the ‘Year in Review’ columns, articles, vlogs, clips etc. I love to hear everyone weigh in on their TOP favorite things of the year and so I wanted to get in on the action too!! Today, I’m sharing my Top 5 Favorite Beauty Products of 2019! Yay! I think you’ll find that these favorites have a few things in common:

  1. They ALL come from environmentally and socially responsible companies

  2. They are committed to producing safe, clean products that you don’t have to feel badly about bringing into your home or applying to your body

  3. And they WORK. Not only are they safe and clean, but I have found that they work like NO other and so I do not feel like I’m sacrificing quality or functionality for the sake of the cause (albeit noble).

These 5 products are a part of my regular routine and honestly, I can’t live without them! In addition to sharing what they are and WHY I love them, I’m including links also so you can check them out for yourself! Here is to a clean, safe, and EFFECTIVE beauty lineup in 2020!!


(1) Berry Refined Scrub by Monat Global - This exfoliant mask that is part of Monat’s recently launched skin care line is seriously yummy enough to eat. It utilizing cranberry seeds and a blend of natural fruit acids to exfoliate and leave your skin GLOWING. You can feel and see a difference immediately after washing and smells delicious! For this no nonsense beauty girl to now utilize an exfoliant mask now twice a week - it HAS to be good. This product was also recognized by Popsugar as one of the top ‘Game Changing Skincare Products’ that their editors are thankful for.

(2) CinnaFresh Deodorant by Young Living - Deodorant is one of the more recent switches I have made in my clean beauty line up and I tried a few others out there before Young Living and this was the absolute BEST. I found the others to either be lacking in effectiveness at inhibiting odors OR some left a clumpy residue that was neither appealing nor attractive! Young Living’s blend works AND goes on smooth and clump free! pH balanced, aluminum free, and formulated without parabens, talc, perfumes, dyes nor anything artificial. It is made with natural fragrances of cinnamon, clove and eucalyptus. I apply for everyday use as well as workout/running days and NEVER worry about BO. #winning

(3) Renew Shampoo by Monat Global - Simply put, I will never use another shampoo again. This hydrating shampoo has truly transformed my hair (along with other Monat hair care products), yet I choose this one because it’s a STAPLE in my hair game. I may swap out a hair masque here and there, or a conditioner but this shampoo is what works best for my hair like no other. Again, sulfate/paraben free, this shampoo penetrates and moisturizes the scalp. It helps to boost natural hair growth (contains capixyl - a natural stimulant for hair growth) and improves follicle strength to aid in reducing hair thinning. My hair is longer, stronger and more healthy than its ever been!

(4) Color Pinch Cream Blusher by Beautycounter - Ooooh my my. I have looked high and low for a cream blusher and it’s SO hard to find. Yet, in walks Beautycounter to my life and BAM - they have one AND it’s safe, clean and chemical free! This product features a rich pigment and natural dewy finish (which is why I LOVE a cream blush - can’t stand a ‘caked on’ look!) that naturally brightens the cheeks for a rosy GLOW. Oooh and you can totally wear on the lips and the lids too! #bonus

(5) Rejuveniqe Oil by Monat Global - And last but absolutely not least is the magical unicorn product by Monat, the Rejuveniqe Oil Intensive. This product is unlimited with the benefits to your hair and skin, yet for me I love to use it as a monthly overnight hair treatment for my hair and scalp. Made with a blend of 13+ oil blends including antioxidants, beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids, this oil nourishes everything it touches: scalp, hair, face, skin - I have also used to heal burns, to treat split skin on my heels, to help with cradle cap or eczema. It’s truly magical and is a MUST HAVE to any beauty line up.

Friends - I hope you find this list helpful! I fully stand behind each and every one of these products FULLY. Please utilize the links to check them out for yourself or if I can provide a sample (where possible), it would be my pleasure! Transitioning to a fully clean beauty line up in 2019 was one my goals and I am THRILLED to not only be able to do that utilizing stellar products from these companies, yet to do so and stand behind the quality and effectiveness makes me feel so integritous!

With that - Happy New Year to you! It is my hope and prayer that 2020 is everything you want it to be and MORE! xoxo

In Style & Grace,
