STOP Searching for Your Calling

Okay - I realize that sounds counter intuitive doesn’t it? We are taught in the christian circles to pursue our calling. To search far and wide for God’s specific purpose for our lives! To be told to stop searching seems a bit ungodly, yet hang with me for a minute because I think I’ve got something here that you might want to hear. Actually, that you NEED to hear so let’s cut to the chase.

Your Calling isn’t Something You Need to Search For. You are already LIVING it.

Wait, what? You mean to tell me that this crazy messy life that I’m already living has a PURPOSE? That this is actually where I’m supposed to be?


That is exactly what I am saying.

You do not need to SEARCH high and low for our calling. You do not need to hire a coach to determine what your calling is. You do not need to read all of the personal development books and take all of the personality tests (although I LOVE the Enneagram and highly recommend using this tool as a way to get to know how God designed you!). We spend FAR too much time seeking and searching, praying and asking, reading and learning. Seeking answers OUTSIDE of ourselves and our current realities when friend, all you have to do is LOOK AROUND and WITHIN.

Want to know you calling? Look around and Look within!

First and foremost, we all have one mission: to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). THAT was the Great Commission presented to us through Christ Jesus. Wherever we are and whatever we do, this is our key purpose: to share and spread the gospel. That is the end all be all - the WHAT.

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With that as the backdrop, HOW we do that is what varies from person to person. God designed each of us uniquely with special gifts, passions and skills (1 Peter 4:10-11). He designed YOU in a special way that is original and unique to you. Not sure what your special gifts, passions and skills are? Take time to assess the things you LOVE to do.

  1. What hobbies do you have?

  2. What are the things that come naturally to you?

  3. What brings you JOY?

  4. What do people come to you for? What do they come to you asking advice on?

  5. What special skills do you have?

When you take the time to fully understand what gifts and special skills God has blessed YOU with, then it will become more clear HOW He wants to use you! HOW you can reach other people and share His good news.

Now let’s talk about WHERE or WHO you are meant to share it with. First, let’s take a look around. What are the circles you are in right now? Are you a teacher working with kids? Do you work in a Corporate setting? Are you a volunteer at a non profit? Are you a part of a running group? Or a member at a gym? Maybe part of a womens golf league? Or sewing group? Whatever it is - THAT is where God put you to share your message and shine bright. A lot of times we look for a platform outside of where we are. We look for the bigger venue or maybe you envision a bigger stage. This is where we need to trust God. First and foremost, we need to ‘Bloom Where We are Planted’. We’ve all heard that expression, right? That is exactly what God calls us to do.

Bloom Where You Are Planted

‘Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.’ (Zechariah 4:10) Zerubbabel had the important job of laying the foundation of the temple. This was a critical role before anything else could be done. Before anyone else could pray or worship inside the temple, Zerubbabel had to do his work. Every single one of us has an important job to do. In our lives, in our homes, in our communities - we must first do the important foundational work. We must prepare our hearts and our character to do the good work that God has called us to do. From there - God will open new doors. God will bring to us the platforms He has designed especially for us. Maybe that will come in the form of a stage, or maybe that will be from within the four walls of your home - yet either way, the work is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to His Kingdom.

Friend - we ALL have important work to do for Him, no matter the platform and no matter what shape it takes. No message or calling is more important than the other. My prayer is that God uses my skills and abilities for HIS glory - whatever that looks like - and that I clear the path for the Holy Spirit to shine through and simply stay out of the way.

I am here cheering you on! Go and be your beautiful self, with your message to share to your own people. God has big plans and important work for you to do!

In style & grace,
